JustOneKenya2015: day one

If you have been following us on any of our social media sites, you will know I am currently in Kenya - you can follow us at #justonekenya2015

I am going to try to blog regularly throughout the trip so I can journal all I am seeing and learning... when I try to do it later I forget!

Yesterday, we flew Toronto to Istanbul, Turkey. We then had an 11hour layover in Istanbul - and it's been on my bucket list for some time now! - so we hopped on the metro and went off to explore. It was a beautiful day and the city was rich in colours and sights!


We then flew from Istanbul to Nairobi, Kenya. We landed at 3:30am - and after getting a taxi (that would fit ALL our luggage!) and getting to the hotel and settled it was after 5am before we went to bed. Long day(s) of travelling! We didn't want to waste a day sleeping though so we slept a few hours, and then headed out for the day! Our good friend, Jack, met us and we hopped on a Matatu and headed for Kibera! Riding a matatu is always an experience because there are people on top of people and you are crammed in - but always love to travel as the local people do!


We spent the afternoon in Kibera - our goal today was to reconnect with our friends and artists there. To have a visit with them and reconnect in person. We also wanted to tour a bit of Kibera and see some of the changes since last year. My sister who is travelling with me commented on how happy everyone was to see us, crying out "you came back!" along with big hugs. One of my very favourite moments of today - or any day really! - was my warm, incredible greeting from Lillian - you can see a video of it on our Facebook or Instagram page. 

We got to Kibera, and Jack showed us some of the changes happening in the slums, and then we went on to the workshop where much of our jewelry is made. My sister couldn't get over how warm and friendly everyone was - like Dom shown below. You can also see why we brought safety goggles (and gloves, coveralls, masks, etc.) along with us! These are what he's using for protective eyewear!

We reconnected with some of our friend's from previous years... one that always makes me laugh is Kenneth. He has named all his children after US Presidents (Clinton, Kennedy and even one named Ronald Reagan!) These boys are destined to do great things!

And speaking of Clinton - he has grown so much since I saw him last year! Still so ridiculously cute though!

We then went on to Jack's home - I shocked him by remembering the way and leading us there! - and his wife, Rose had made us a delicious lunch of Ugali, cooked cabbage and eggs with  tomatoes. MMmmmmm. 

Below, as kids run in and out of Lillian's home (photo on left), I was introduced to Lillian's newest grandchild, Shadrack.

Shadrack hasn't seen many  muzungu's so immediately burst into tears. :-) 

The other children laughed and played while the adults chatted. There's little Gift in his school uniform - Lillian was so excited we were there she went and got him from school. 

We also went on to visit with another favourite group of women - but I was too busy hugging to take photos! There are also photos posted on Instagram and Facebook from my iPhone throughout the day. 

It was a great day meeting old and new friends! Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! I'll leave you with one last photo of these gorgeous girls we met along our walk today. So many beautiful people - inside and out. It definitely feels like coming back to my second home. So glad to be back! 



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